It is fair to say that the past 21 months have been the most daunting and overwhelming that we have experienced.  We all have been tested in ways far beyond what we could have ever imagined, yet we have also found greater strength and resilience from the support shown to our Auxiliary by our communities and hospital staff.

Although our Tree of  Hope Campaign raises funding each year for the needs of Sparta Community Hospital, The Caring Touch Gift Shop also donates a generous amount to the campaign.  Needless to say, COVID-19 has once again made it impossible to keep The Caring Touch Gift Shop open full time.  We were fortunate this year to be able to keep morning hours with the generous help from our volunteers.

Once again, that is why this year, more than ever before, our Tree of Hope Campaign needs your contributions to help us support our hospital.

This year, the Auxiliary has chosen to purchase a Passport Respiratory Device.

  • A vital device that allows nursing to view continuous pulse oximetry, oxygen saturation levels, on COVID and other patients that require continuous oxygen.
  • This device also allows other vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate to be monitored.
  • The passport device is connected to our central monitoring system which allows staff at the nurse’s station to view readings and set parameters on an alarm, in case the patient’s oxygen level drops below the set goal.

Your generous contribution to this year’s Tree of Hope campaign can help make this purchase possible.  Please take a few moments to consider your donation and send your contribution to TREE OF HOPE, P.O. Box 75, Sparta, IL  62286.

Thank you in advance for your donation and may you have a blessed holiday season.


Peggy Petkas                  Kathy McConachie

Tree of Hope Chair           Tree of Hope Vice Chair