Those who want to discover new ways to better manage their diabetes should check-out ‘Hands-On Diabetes: An Educational Series’ offered by Courtney Johnson, Registered Dietitian at Sparta Community Hospital.

“Between lifestyle changes, medications, and testing, living with diabetes may seem overwhelming, and we want to help,” states Johnson.  “Through this series, we hope to not only empower individuals to be hands-on with their care, but to provide a space for attendees to support each other.”

This free series kicks off Wednesday, July 26, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. in Auxiliary Room A at Sparta Community Hospital’s Broadway Plaza.

“During this session, we’ll cover basics about diabetes, including facts and risk factors.  We’ll also talk about medical and lifestyle management,” shares Johnson.  “Each month we’ll cover a new topic as it relates specifically to diabetes, such as nutrition, heart health, physical activity, and so much more.”

Individuals are invited to attend as many or as few sessions as they wish.  As seating is limited, individuals are asked to call Johnson at 618-443-1435 to register for this first session by NOON on Monday, July 24, 2023. 

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