Sparta Community Hospital will be offering a free 6 week workshop for anyone living with Chronic Illness or caregivers for those with Chronic Disease.  Chronic diseases are long-term medical conditions that are generally progressive. Some examples of chronic diseases include heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and chronic respiratory problems (e.g. COPD)

The classes will begin on Wednesday, July 17th and will be held every Wednesday through August 28th, from 5-7:30pm.  Classes will be held at the hospital’s Broadway Plaza location, Suite B, in Sparta.

The program will educate those in attendance on how to build a more effective relationship with their doctor, solve problems, exploring an exercise routine, communicating with family and friends about their condition, eating tips, managing medications, setting and achieving goals and dealing with pain, frustration, isolation and lack of energy.

For more information on classes or to register, please call Sparta Community Hospital at 618-443-2177.